Auteur: Hitsainteverything
Stortplaats Maasvlakte achilleshiel van fossiele economie
Twee heuvels op het uiterste puntje van Tweede Maasvlakte bestaan uit miljoenen kubieke meters zeer gevaarlijk afval van de fossiele industrie. In het najaar van 2016 ontstond er in kleine kring paniek. De stortplaats zou medio 2018 z’n maximum capaciteit bereiken en er was toen … Lees verderStortplaats Maasvlakte achilleshiel van fossiele economie
Protest tegen Boerenprotest
Protest tegen het boerenprotest > Naast Martijntje zien de tractoren op het Malieveld er machteloos uit. Toen ze hoorde dat meerdere provincies gezwicht waren voor het tractorgeweld van boze boren, trok Martijntje met haar protestbord naar het Malieveld. De boeren waren niet blij. “Met zo’n bord moet … Lees verderProtest tegen Boerenprotest
Transitioning Away
Transitioning Away > Current fossil fuel industry already bears traces of the past.
Climate anxiety
Shifting Borders > While exploring photography as a medium, I learnt about climate change. In these photo series, I’m trying to get to grips with shifting borders. What does it mean to live in The Netherlands in times of climate change.
Who owns this place?
Who owns this place > People like to claim their territory. This is mine. This is yours. But animals don’t acknowledge human borders. Humans tend to fend of animals from their property. But on what grounds? Who owns this place?
Mannen in hun eigen ruimte
Mannen in hun eigen ruimte > Wat is de eigen ruimte van mannen? Ik ging op zoek en zag mannen in de publieke ruimte alleen, op zichzelf en volkomen op hun gemak. Spelend, mijmerend, zich metend aan de elementen. Ik probeerde ze niet te storen. … Lees verderMannen in hun eigen ruimte
Jayden > He looks like a new born baby. But Jayden is two years old. He’s severely handicapped and so is his brother. They are taken care of by their parents and elder sisters. Jayden is their little star, the family revolves around him. But … Lees verderJayden
Moulding bodies
Moulding bodies > Moulding bodies with light, mixed techniques and exposure Moulding bodies with mixed techniques A soccer coach with many faces
Portrait Gallery
Portraits > Hard licht, intiem licht, verhullend licht. In de cursus Portet en Verlichting leerden we boetseren met gezichten. Een schaduw op een gezicht was nog nooit zo mooi.
Like a window in your heart
Like a window in our heart > In my early days of struggle with climate change, I saw myself reflected in my fellow amateur photographers. While aiming our cameras, were we in fact distracting ourselves from seeing the world as it is?
Activists > Climate activist. It took me a while to call myself a climate activist. It helped that I got to know so many great, warm and caring climate activist. They told me an activist is someone who wants to change things. And I sure … Lees verderActivists
4:30 AM in zagreb
4:30 AM in Zagreb
Riot police
Riot Police > This was in Paris. Way before I started demonstrating myself, against climate change. My then-boyfirend and me, the one moment we were enjoying musicians. The next moment we were in the ‘line of fire’. Everything changed so quickly. I was intrigued how people reacted … Lees verderRiot police
Plant life
Plant Life